Taking the wooden chairs of WLH for its pews, Yale's Sacred Harp singing ensemble continues a centuries-old tradition begun by New Haven's own Puritans.
Roaring Brook Press, a small children's book publisher founded in Brookville, Connecticut, has swept the Caldecott Medal in recent years. What does it take for old-fashioned success in an Internet-savvy, Twilight-obsessed publishing world?
Over the centuries, the Elm City's eponymous tree has weathered cankworms, beetles, and the teeth of villagers' hungry horses. Now, a local group has taken up a mission to stop the greatest threat of all: Dutch elm disease.
Yale's yearbook, the Banner, is being revitalized by a group of students in an office previously home to musty boxes, a squatter, and two recently stolen Macs.
The roots of "roots," a word brought into English by Vikings.
The Naclerio family of East Haven is in year 83 of making and bottling their famous root beer.
The oldest extant record of an approximation of the square root of two is one of the treasures of Yale's Babylonian Collection.
The most lionized animal in the New Haven jungle.